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The Wasteland | WU, Chien-YI Solo Exhibition

給 南方的風



將你的光 為我們盤繞

教我們 蛻下過去

如你 蛻去陳舊的皮

教我們 輕巧地 行走

教我們 美妙的方式

To the winds of the South:
Great Serpent,

Wrap your coils of light around us,
Teach us to shed the past the way 
you shed your skin;

To walk softly on the Earth,
Teach us the Beauty Way。


The shamanic four winds medicine wheel is a life-long、endless journey that attempt to trace back where our soul grow, like season cycles,we keep the round trip between different directions where every trip carry a specific lesson for us;perhaps, in such sense, I will call my living in Fu-Zhou experience The South、The Land , and The Great Serpent.

I have been running Wasteland Art Space for almost 3 years in Fu-Zhou area, the place that I have spent my childhood for quite a while. I didn't really know how those things get started and to be done, or maybe I just couldn't find a word.

Words, words, words, sometimes I'm not really sure where they lead us to? Explanation bring a closer understanding between us , or in most cases that we normally be constrained in the word frame. 
Finding an accurate word is like to grab a small chance to deliver some light from the universe and stars. All the effort that we put on writing actually is very similar to the art expressions. 

In the book of 《 The Poetics of Space》, A French philosopher Gaston Bachelard mentioned the inherent quality and texture of the imagery of a simple house (la maison) and the cosmic sense co-exist in our deep and board conscious.

As he remind us, from the view of his own phenomenology, there will be no room for secrets to hide in a over-decorate mansion ; beauty destroy the sense of intimacy. Therefore, the first and the original house where we were born, the house in which we inscribed various living functions and levels, and the house that provided us with the inner land of our own, must be simple and simple. 

The essence of this simple house,build up our personalities and unique textures, makes it the original form of a house that accommodates all memories and all the homes that we come to experience later. If a local place can be seen as a form of a home imagery, I would say that Fu-Zhou may works as the first house that raise up my beginning textures — a simple and humble free land. 

During this period of time, by running the Wasteland Art Space and the Ca'fe , the feeling of charcoal drawing on my hands has long gone, all I remember is different smell from various hand creams after washing dishes that always reminds my days. 

Now I start to draw again, as all experiences start to work as a gift from the daily life over years, there comes this exhibition, it helps me to remark for the good days and hard days, to remark all sweet and great memories come from this place.

There are also some pictures display on the exhibition site, together with sentences and my free sketching works. Those photo shots with no intension to show or exhibit in the beginning while the flash lights on. Therefore, I will not call them " photographs" , but snap shot on a street instead. Those photos actually contained a timeline and a daily route、 the scenes that I have been stood somewhere in time and seeing, the street I keep comes and goes. 

There is a possibility that all 3 elements will work as a form of Total writing/ Holistic writing , a sketching as a whole. There is also a possibility that new things will born from their inter-reaction with each other. Perhaps they bring us a map、show us a route that oriente a dream state. 


Where the Great Serpent shed her skin,
The new chapter opens 



The Land told its family that it will always take care of them.




《Where things stay》

Obviously a coincidence, or a coincident destiny, the glove have been left upon there. The gesture, is closer to a rest and quiet mood rather than being left behind.Perhaps, it finally arrive that place by consistently experience someone's hand and certain events, finally, it arrive where have been long prepared and ready for it to take a snap somewhere under the sun — the slate.

The slate, rely on each other while temporarily have no use and have been stored outside.

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《Cigarette can and street light》


Hanging or leaning over one side, suspending things often keep its function that bring us the secret of balance; bring us the alternative view from their unique position; showing us their heart of acceptance.




< 赤腳的人 >



幾乎沒有任何保護地、他赤著腳穿梭在巷弄與街道之間。 從他家敞開的鐵捲門前,拜訪鄰居、或者只是經過;他可能一直走到不遠處的菜市場,也或許走進了市場的深處,經過各種水果攤和賣菜的小販、散步到不知名的地方,又從另外一個截然不同的方向走了回來;好像這些在豔陽下曬的滾燙的柏油路面、好像這些雨天帶來的泥濘沙礫、這些菜漬廢水、水窪 、煙蒂 、泥土、落葉的屍體、狗步行的足跡;好像這些對他來說都無關緊要。 他光著腳走在路上的感覺,就像是回到家中脫掉了令人感覺疲憊的鞋子之後,舒服地踩在客廳地毯上、或者剛剛踏進了臥室木質地板的那樣。









每ㄧ次,我都先注意到他赤裸的雙腳、腳跟和腳踝、他走路的方式;或許是因為,我不明白他怎麼能夠這樣子自在的走著? 他的雙腳和土地之間所擁有的那種關係,使得我腳上所穿著的鞋子似乎稍顯笨拙;我好奇的思考著他何以如此勇敢? 後來,我了解到,ㄧ顆敞開的心根本無須勇氣。


《 鐵道下的畸零菜田 》


那可以說是個三不管地帶吧。也可能是一個沒有人會特別去注意到的地方;大多數的時候,生長中的菜葉或植物,可以偽裝成路邊的盆栽或雜草。 狗兒陪伴他做所有的事。








《 挽面 》



《 榮家側門 》



< 人型模特 >








There was a child went forth every day,And the first object he looked upon and received with wonder or pity or love or dread, that object he became,And that object became part of him for the day or a certain part of the day . . . . or for many years or stretching cycles of years.

— Walt Whitman 

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